The call answering professionals: Over 23 years of virtual receptionist experience

Using A Call Answering Service To Boost Your Growth in 2020

By Nick East

January 13, 2020

As we move towards the New Year, lots of businesses are starting to plan out how 2020 will look for them. If they’re smart, they’re using the experiences and mistakes of 2019 to work out what they could do better, and what areas of their business they want to focus on to improve. One of the main areas most business owners will focus on is growth – specifically how to grow their business to compete with bigger and better rivals with more established brands. If this is you – we have some good news for you. Using a call answering service can do exactly that, simply by offering you a range of services that can boost your profitability. How? Well, there are just 5 ways:

Increase Customer Satisfaction

Keeping your customers satisfied is the key to creating brand loyalty, which in turn generates repeat businesses and boosts revenue. All good things, so worth putting the effort in. A call answering service can add a personal touch to your business, provide around the clock support and increase your capacity. Not only that, but it delivers a much more streamlined service and improves employee focus – which in turn boosts customer satisfaction on a different front.

Make A Great First Impression

First impressions are everything, and in business, the way a customer is first received by your business can make or break a sale. That means you can’t afford to botch it because you’re too busy, in a rush or just in a bad mood. But if you have a professional answering service looking after your calls you can be certain that your customers are being greeted by a friendly voice, and they will be left with a good impression of your business. If you’re in a professional services field this is especially important, since research shows that 50% of customers won’t bother calling a competitor if they have had a positive experience with you on a call.

Reduce Call Abandonment

Just like shopping carts online, customers can and will abandon calls with you if they ring for too long, or if they get an answering machine. For businesses who want to capture every lead coming in, or who offer 24/7 support services, every abandoned call represents lost revenue. But you might not be able to have enough staff employed 24/7 to handle the volume of calls you get, which means you are bound to miss one. A call answering service can be used as an overflow option for your business, picking up the phone when your staff aren’t able to and dramatically reducing call abandonment rates.

Boost Industry Reputation

Research shows that if a customer has a bad experience with your business they will tell an average of 15 people, while if they have a good experience they will only tell between 7 and 11. This has a knock-on impact on your reputation, so naturally you want to reduce bad experiences and increase good experiences. Poor customer service costs businesses millions every year, and a lot of it comes from phone-based service problems – with top complaints being rude staff and being put on hold for too long. A professional answering service can eliminate all of these problems.

More Positive Customer Reviews

Getting positive reviews online are like gold dust – because customers greatly value online reviews and they are a huge factor in influencing buying decisions. Poor phone communication tends to be an issue that generates negative reviews – but it also works the other way around. If you can increase your accessibility and improve your telephone support, this removes one of the key frustrations customers have and can generate positive online reviews for you. Which in turn fuel your business growth.

Growing your business is a must if you want to thrive in the long run. But growing a business is a challenge no matter what the industry, or how big or small you are. That’s why business owners and managers like yourself are always looking for ways to grow their company. And that’s where a good phone answering service can help. When done properly, it can level the playing field when facing bigger rivals with more resources and bigger marketing budgets, all without putting extra strain on your business. To find out more, just get in touch with the team today.


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