The call answering professionals: Over 23 years of virtual receptionist experience

Pingdemic staffing problems? Here are our business continuity solutions

By Nick East

July 23, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath have altered the way that we work and do business beyond measure. More recently the ‘pingdemic’ – which has seen over half a million people in Britain told to self isolate as a result of the NHS Covid-19 app ‘pinging’ them – has seen some businesses close due to staff shortages. This has led to business owners calling for reforms to the current isolation rules.  

Flexible working solutions

Businesses have already had to find new and innovative ways of working, whether this is staff working from home due to their own choice, or due to the NHS app imposing isolation. One thing is for sure – it appears that this need to be flexible and reactive is here for the long haul. Here at Verbatim we are helping businesses adapt their working practices to suit this new form of  ‘hybrid working’, where staff combine a mixture of both home and office working, through our clever answering solutions that include telephone answering and web chat.  

This flexibility when it comes to working practices has been paramount in keeping Verbatim going throughout the pandemic so far. Our telephone-answering team adapted very well to remote working methods throughout the pandemic. We’re delighted to be able to offer our customers the same opportunities when it comes to giving their businesses flexible solutions too. 

Keeping a professional front-of-house

Verbatim can help companies to retain a professional ‘front of house’ in all circumstances – despite many employees, in reality, working from a home office or even the kitchen table. We can give businesses the all-important means of communicating with clients and customers even when workforces are dispersed. This could be through our:

Virtual Receptionist service where you will always have someone on hand to take calls and messages, directing them to the right place. We can even help with diary and meeting management.     

– Alternatively you might want a service that kicks in when you are short staffed or in need of an extra pair of hands to help, in which case our Virtual Call Centre or Business Continuity solutions might be just what you need. 

Either way, it’s been great to see many companies trialing different approaches and ways of working to see what works best for them, to find solutions which both keep their businesses running smoothly and taking into account the needs of their individual staff members. 

If we can help your business, do get in touch with us today. 


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